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n / a
erstellt am - 30.07.2003 : 00:17:55
First of all sorry I don't write in German. Ich schreibe sehr schlecht aber verstehe ziemlich gut. Antworten gern auf Deutsch. Where can I find the gear ratios for my 528 Steptronic Bj 97?Zoom
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erstellt am - 31.07.2003 : 00:46:14
im afraid i cant really help you. did you check the car's manual. maybe your local dealer can help you; he should know the specs.cya Fab BMW-Fah'n is wie als wenne fliechst! mein bimmer
n / a
erstellt am - 01.08.2003 : 23:52:14
As noone could help me an American site was able to give the figures: the 1997 528iA Steptronic gear ratios were: 1st 3.72:1 2nd 2.04:1 3rd 1.34:1 4th 1.00:1 5th 0.80:1Final Drive Axle Ratio 3.64:1 Zeke