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saber rider - uebersetzung - Geplaudere

Beitrag von stormy

Dieses Thema befindet sich im:
Forum Geplaudere


Thema: saber rider - uebersetzung
Date: 22.12.2002


kannst den donner in dir spuehren....bring den blitz zum krachen waerend du reitest....


dein schicksal wird dich fuehren....dort hin wo leute dich brauchen....aber die gefahr hat dich gefunden....du hast jetz deine freunde um dich...


viel spass mit der uebersetzung ;-)

da isser

wer spaeter bremst ist frueher zuhause*fg*

mfg stormy

Bearbeitet von - stormy am 22/12/2002 16:03:10

Bearbeitet von - stormy am 23/12/2002 14:08:07

Bearbeitet von - stormy am 23/12/2002 14:09:04

Bearbeitet von - stormy am 23/12/2002 14:10:15



Autor: Sniper
Datum: 22.12.2002
hä? *nixdrauskomm*

hab ich was verpasst?

Bilder meiner E36 325i Limo!


Autor: stormy
Datum: 22.12.2002
das iss son lied wo der klesi uebersetzt haben wollte ;-)

da isser

wer spaeter bremst ist frueher zuhause*fg*

mfg stormy


Autor: toWNkiD
Datum: 22.12.2002
Originaltext Saber Rider:

Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs in the sky
Can you feel the thunder inside?
Saber Rider
Make a lightning crack as you ride!
Saber Rider
(Guitar Solo)
Saber Rider
Saber Rider and the Star sheriffs
Saber Rider and the Star sheriffs
In the Sky
Saber Rider
(Guitar Solo)
Your destiny will lead you
To where'ver people need you
Though danger may have found you
You have your friends around you now now now now
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs in the sky
Saber Ri-i-de
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs in the sky
Can you feel the thunder inside?
Saber Rider
Make a lightning crack as you ride!
Saber Rider
(Guitar Solo)
Saber Rider
Saber Rider and the Star sheriffs
Saber Rider and the Star sheriffs
In the Sky
Saber Rider
(Guitar Solo)
Your destiny will lead you
To where'ver people need you
Though danger may have found you
You have your friends around you now now now now
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs
Saber Rider
And the Star Sheriffs in the sky
Saber Ri-i-der

witH thE pedaL tO thE metaL

Bearbeitet von - toWNkiD am 22/12/2002 18:27:17

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