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Instruction for using this forum - Geplaudere

Beitrag von Jogi

Dieses Thema befindet sich im:
Forum Geplaudere


Thema: Instruction for using this forum
Date: 27.08.2001
Hi and welcome...
Here the intructions how to use this forum.

1. If you want to post something you have to register:
on top of this forum you have a link called "Registrieren" what mean register.

Here you have to accept the regulations for using this forum. Press the "Ich stimme zu" button.
At the eext screen fill in you data. The fields you MUST complete are: email, nickname, password and repeat password.

2. You have to logon: On top of the forum there is a button called "anmelden" which means "logon". Fill in you logon data an press the button.

3. Now you are able to create postings. Choose the international forum and go!

If you have any questions feel free to contact me:


alter BMW-Umbauer Spruch:
"Da geht noch was" ;o]
Und mein Lebensmotto:
"Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!"

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