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n / a
erstellt am - 14.10.2002 : 09:11:18
The idea is very good!We got forums like BMW-Syndikat,in our country too.But,we do not hawe a BMW club,big like Yours.I´ll diskuss this with others,and will tell in 3-4 days what we can do!Intrest is big-like Tuning details,wheels,used BMW-s,chips,motortuning,sound,Xenon,and so on-more and more.
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Hochheim am Main
4939 Beiträge
erstellt am - 14.10.2002 : 11:42:55
Hey, that are good news because jogis aim is to build up the world's greatest bmw-comunity. :)So we're happy to hear from you and your friends to discuss bmw-details and problems across the, Alex Lackierungen und Tuningumbauten zu Top-KonditionenAnfrage