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n / a
erstellt am - 14.08.2002 : 01:18:10
I have seen the pic in the reiger catalogue and it just shows the bumper. Does anyone have a pic of it on an e36 so you can see at least the whole rear end of the car? Thanks
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
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5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 14.08.2002 : 13:01:57
Hi Tye!The company is called "Rieger Tuning". This is the adress. Check out the following link for the E36 >>> </ciao> Alex ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ > < Ist das Leben nicht viel zu kurz, um auf Freude am Fahren zu verzichten?
n / a
erstellt am - 15.08.2002 : 11:46:08
Yes, I know it is Rieger. And I have seen the photo in the catalogue. I am wonderingt if anyone has a pic of it on a car, not in the catalogue. The catalogue only shows the rear bumper and you cant see the rest of the car. Again, I am looking for a pic of the Rieger Rear E46 bumper for the E36, one that is not from the catalogue. Thanks
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
4694 Beiträge
erstellt am - 22.08.2002 : 17:02:07
this is a pic of the rieger infinity I bumper. but i dont think its the one youre looking for, right?
 does "your" bumper have a name? unfortunately i dont have the rieger-catalouge and the rieger web-site really sucks! so i dont even know what it looks like. cya Fabian BMW-Fah'n is wie als wenne fliechst! Bearbeitet von - Fabian am 07/09/2002 14:44:07