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n / a
erstellt am - 10.10.2001 : 11:09:26
Can I have a shop make this here and then have it shipped to the US. I would rather have it done here since they are used to doing it. Can anyone help me out with this? I am talking about the hood, exactly the way it is seen here.
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
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n / a
erstellt am - 10.10.2001 : 11:42:15
Or this one:
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
n / a
erstellt am - 10.10.2001 : 11:44:43
Or this one:
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
E39 530d Touring
5181 Beiträge
erstellt am - 10.10.2001 : 12:08:24
Hy TYE,I think you can buy it if you can afford it ;-). Joke :-) No, i think it's not neccesary to buy a complete hood. If I where you I would look for a good carworker who is able to customice your hood. I think the hood's on the pictures are the original hoods customiced. And its not only the hood what must be changed. Think about the lock of the hood and the other parts off the front. You must give the hole car to a spcial firm who is abel to customize this or you must do it self. I think its not possible to ship every part for this customfront to the USA. And if its possible it is very expensive (new hood and all other parts new because they don't have your hood). OK? Nice gratings from Lobo, Mod :-) Mfg Lobo Registriert euch bitte!!!
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 10.10.2001 : 12:48:15
Hi,Lobo is right, you can´t buy the hole hood in this design. You have to give your original hood to a company (like this: ). They have to make it fit especially to your car. So it´s impossible to buy a hole hood. Sorry about that... But come and visit Germany with your Bimmer ;-) </ciao> Alex
n / a
erstellt am - 11.10.2001 : 00:22:19
Anyone have pics of a car with that hood open so I can see what was modded underneeth to make it work? Also, the pic of the blue car looks like the e36 kidney was used, but the black car, i think they used the same pieces but fit a e39 kidney in. If you look at the pic, it is wider.The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!