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n / a
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 11:53:25
 It looks like this steering wheel has an airbag, is that true? Who makes it and where can I buy it from? Thanks 
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
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bei Mannheim
3601 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 13:40:30
Hi!there are a lot of "sport" steering wheels with airbag, down to a size of 32cm (maybe even 28cm). And there are a lot that look like the one on you picture..  Airbag-Lenkrad Sports-Line Daytona Bestellnummer: 255976 Hersteller: ATIWE
 Airbag-Lenkrad Silberpfeil Typ 1 Bestellnummer: 272310 Hersteller: RAID
got these pictures from
Hersteller means: manufacturer Bestellnummer means: part / ordering number _________________________________________________ alter BMW-Umbauer Spruch: "Da geht noch was" ;o] Und mein Lebensmotto: "Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!"
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 13:53:28
It´s an "RAID" steering wheel with airbag. The price is about 700DM.Look at the homepage for more detailed informations: http: 
</ciao> Alex
bei Mannheim
3601 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 14:05:23
Hi sorry alex, but it looks much more like the ATIWE in my last post!the guy just painted it in white _________________________________________________ alter BMW-Umbauer Spruch: "Da geht noch was" ;o] Und mein Lebensmotto: "Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!"
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 14:23:30
Jogi is right, but RAID and ATIWE get together. Both manufactures are part of the "RDI Group". So it doesn´t matter which one you´re going to take, it´s the same quality.</ciao> Alex
n / a
erstellt am - 06.10.2001 : 19:44:24
Does Atiwe have their own website and what is it? The pictures in DW do not show up.
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
n / a
erstellt am - 06.10.2001 : 19:50:19
Nevermind, I found their site, but it doesn't show any pictures of the steering wheels either. Are there any other sites that show pics of teh atiwe steering wheels? What steering wheel would you recommend to me. It must have an airbag. I am looking for something that is thicker than the factory steering wheel. My interior is dove grey (light grey) and I have aluminum gauge faces, pedals, shift knob, and e-brake handle. I want a wheel that has the silver/grey accent or one that I can add it to like the picture above. 
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
n / a
erstellt am - 28.04.2002 : 16:58:23
i just bought this steering wheel.. it comes in all black its 32cm in diameter and has an airbag.. its the worlds smallest steering wheel with airbag.. i payed about 370Euro with the adapter for the bmw.. any other color combinations are custom re-trims
E39 530d Touring
5181 Beiträge
erstellt am - 28.04.2002 : 19:52:36
That's right! Ist Made by Raid and it's called "Raid Silberpfeil". But it's sold under a lot of other brands like Schnitzer and so on! It's the smallest FULLSIZE Airbag Steeringwheel in the world!!! Have fun with it!Mfg Lobo, Mod Hier ist eine Anleitung zum Bilder einfügen.
E36 318iS Coupe
1001 Beiträge
erstellt am - 28.04.2002 : 20:29:24
this steering wheel is made by ATIWE.i know it because i saw the car in a journal named bmw-scene MyBMW @ *New Designed Page*
E39 530d Touring
5181 Beiträge
erstellt am - 29.04.2002 : 00:08:27
But in real it's a Raid! It's sold under the brand name ATIWE. Believe me!Mfg Lobo, Mod Hier ist eine Anleitung zum Bilder einfügen.
E36 318iS Coupe
1001 Beiträge
erstellt am - 29.04.2002 : 11:44:53
yes roger that lobo :)MyBMW @ *New Designed Page*
n / a
erstellt am - 08.05.2002 : 12:05:20
djbeemer, Can you help me get ahold of one for me? Also, can you post pics of yours. Thanks, TYE
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!