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n / a
erstellt am - 04.10.2001 : 22:33:19
I am looking to do the same front end conversion and would like to speak with the owner, or if anyone knows information on how it is done. Thank you, TYE <b> Der Bmw: $25K. Das Mods: $10K. Freund mit Nutzen: PRICELESS! :D </b>
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bei Mannheim
3601 Beiträge
erstellt am - 04.10.2001 : 23:27:44
Hi again!I already contacted the person who took this foto. But I am sure this was just a normal BMW-meeting here in germany where everybody takes fotos from any car. So he probably won`t remenber or doesn't even know who the car owner is. Here my opinion: this looks like a very complex modification! It seems as if he realy put the lights of a E46(or E39) into his E36. This includes modifying the fenders. You will get nearly the same result by attaching the front part of a E39 hood (the part with and around the kidney, as we call the air intake here in germany) to the main E36 hood. a lot of body-shops do this here in germany (about 1000 DM including the material and paint). You should find a few fotos of such cars on this page ( ). THe M5 looking bumper can be bought in every tuning shop!
I hope you'll bring a lot of other international BMW-fans with you into this forum ?!? _________________________________________________ alter BMW-Umbauer Spruch: "Da geht noch was" ;o] Und mein Lebensmotto: "Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!"
n / a
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 00:26:06
The lights on that e36 are from the e39. As for using the front part of the e39 hood, at what point do they cut it and attach it to the e36 hood (cut in the middle,closer to the end, just rite above the kidneys and all the way across ?) More info on doing that would be greatly appreciated. As for the M5 bumper, was it shortened length wise to fit? I believe the e39 is wider than the e36? ThanksAlso check out our site: there is a forum, videos, articles and pictures of all are meets, plus a lot more  <b> Der Bmw: $25K. Das Mods: $10K. Freund mit Nutzen: PRICELESS! :D </b>
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 01:08:39
You also get the M5 Bumper at This Company makes it fitting exactly to the E36. But I don´t know shipping it to the USA.Here are some more pictures of this car. But I don´t know who´s the owner.

 </ciao> Alex Bearbeitet von - Alex am 11/04/2002 17:31:24
n / a
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 12:00:53
Alex, thank you for the info on the bumper.Now, can anyone explain the process of how the hood is done. Jogi touched on it. But I want to know where exactly they cut and attach the front of the new hood to the e36 hood. Anyone know for sure if the hood end is e46 or e39? Also, notice the slant over the headlights, did they mold in eyebrows as well to get that effect? Here is an old pic of the car before the e39 heasdlights and bumper.
 Here is another car with the same hood and bumper, but e36 lights.
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 05.10.2001 : 14:04:36
The bumper of the yellow one is definetely the "Huthmann" Bumper. You can see it on the right and left side. The original M5 Bumper hasn´t a air intake on the sides but except this detail it looks the same.</ciao> Alex
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 11.10.2001 : 21:52:15
Hi Tye,if you want to talk to the owner of the blue E36 here is the phone number: >>> 0049 3443 302619 <<< </ciao> Alex
n / a
erstellt am - 12.10.2001 : 00:25:55
Does he have email, or can he tell you exactly what parts and how it was done, and you can post it. Thanks
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
5357 Beiträge
erstellt am - 12.10.2001 : 12:43:30
He has got his own "tuning-business". Its called Sallus-Tuning. He made the bodywork on his own. His Homepage ( ) is still under construction, but you can try to contact him.</ciao> Alex
n / a
erstellt am - 13.10.2001 : 00:29:30
That email address didn't work. Can anyone call him or the shop to find out what it is. I really need to talk to this guy. Thanks
The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!
n / a
erstellt am - 11.04.2002 : 16:03:38
TYE, long time no see on dtm... hey the next show is april 27th.. i will get you his contact information... and ill talk to him bout the hood ill find out all you need to know... i see him at everyshow Bearbeitet von - djbeemer am 11/04/2002 16:05:02
E36 318iS Coupe
1001 Beiträge
erstellt am - 17.04.2002 : 15:17:45
tye signatur gefällt mir äusserst gut :) Die Hummel wiegt 4,8 Gramm. Sie hat eine Flügelfläche von 1,45 cm² - bei einem Flächenwinkel von 6°. Nach den Gesetzen der Aerodynamik kann die Hummel gar nicht fliegen. Zum Glück weiß sie das nicht.
n / a
erstellt am - 18.04.2002 : 05:51:09
tye signatur gefällt mir äusserst gut :P
das ist sein freundin.. ich hab noch besserer bilder von ihr und sein auto :) ich kenn tye schon eine weile..
E36 318iS Coupe
1001 Beiträge
erstellt am - 18.04.2002 : 11:27:33
her damit ; :) Die Hummel wiegt 4,8 Gramm. Sie hat eine Flügelfläche von 1,45 cm² - bei einem Flächenwinkel von 6°. Nach den Gesetzen der Aerodynamik kann die Hummel gar nicht fliegen. Zum Glück weiß sie das nicht.