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zwischen Frankfurt und Fulda
1572 Beiträge
erstellt am - 26.09.2003 : 21:12:03
i would like to know what is the international request about the new bmw design idears like the new 6er or the 5er withe the snake eyes and big butts :) what did you think about it?!... gut das wir verglichen haben ... E36 316i Limo
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E39 523i Mstyle
83 Beiträge
erstellt am - 17.10.2003 : 03:22:01
The new 5er is not "pretty" stock, but add some nice 18" rims and it starts to look better.(I think the version on Breyton's page looks pretty good actually) I would like to see what the new M5 will look like once completed(not the pics we have seen on the net but painted rims and everything). The new 6er on the other hand looks promising. The lines of the car remind me slightly of an Aston Martin but different enough set it apart. It also could use some help with different rims. I wonder what a M6 would look like? I get excited thinking about it!!!! Ciao!!!